family Auto Accidents

Auto Insurance

Arizona Auto Insurance Policies

We understand the inherent risks associated with driving in Arizona. That is why Grandidge-Group Insurance brings you an auto insurance policy to protect you against significant financial losses that you may incur when you're involved in an accident.

Car accidents happen even to the best drivers on the road. Our agency can help you cover car repairs to your vehicle and medical bills that come after a crash. We shall bear the cost of protecting you from financial losses if you are found to be at fault. Our policy will cover the following areas:

Bodily Injury

We shall offer a much-needed financial cushion if you injure or kill someone while driving your car. We shall even settle the legal costs if the other party decides to file a lawsuit against you in the aftermath of the accident. Without an insurance policy, medical bills can pile up and put you in an awkward financial position.

Property Damage

Sometimes, your car may damage someone else's valuable property, and you can be sued for compensation. Our property damage policy is here to help you in such circumstances. We shall negotiate with the property owner and try to settle the matter outside of court. However, if he/she insists on suing you, we shall still provide you with legal defense and pay the compensation amount that the court may award the property owner.

Medical Payments

Grandidge-Group Insurance will pay the hospital bill of the injured driver and any passengers that were in your car at the time of the accident. We shall also pay your hospital expenses if you are injured by another vehicle as a pedestrian.

Collision Coverage

The cost of repairing your car after being involved in a crash can be so high and can weigh significantly on your bank statement. Our collision coverage pays for any damage to your vehicle when it hits or is hit by another car or object, regardless if you are at fault.

Talk to us today about an auto insurance policy in Arizona. Also, try our online rating tool for quotes on home and auto insurance.